ARIES- July 2008
Hi Aries! With Mercury lingering in your house of communication for the first part of July, you are continuing to wow others with your quick-fire ideas and superb mental agility, not to mention a penchant for a good old gossip and chinwag! As we mentioned last month, an unfortunate side effect of your extremely sharp mental powers at this time is a difficulty in closing your mind to all those thoughts, but take heart, Mercury departs this area on the 10th of the month and you will finally get some sleep! Just take care between the 3rd and 8th as before he leaves, he meets up with Uranus, and this could be a quite a fidgety few days for you as you find it especially difficult to relax. You will also be feeling rather uneasy about whether your private life is remaining private at this time as a friend could betray your confidence, so take care who you are telling your secrets to.
Domestic concerns are in the spotlight for pretty much most of the month, as the Sun, Venus and Mercury all touch down in this part of your chart at some point. Venus remains here till the 12th so this first fortnight may be spent making your home look beautiful or establishing a peaceful environment, and with the Sun also shining here till the 22nd, there is a strong desire to cater for your own personal needs in family matters. Mercury also makes a brief stopover between the 11th and 26th, so family talks and ideas will be forthcoming between these days. There is something of a phasal feel to domestic concerns however, as the month is really divided into three parts. The 1st to 9th are days when a desire for harmony at home conflicts with career demands, and although you will have some fantastic creative ideas at this time for money-making, that domestic harmony you so crave is easily disrupted. Between the 10th and 19th you will be feeling rather more assertive about establishing your wants and needs, and these will be especially important days for tackling domestic chores too. The 19th to 25th are really days for communication, resolving issues and trying to re-establish a balance between work and home.
Your planet Mars is in your house of work and health this month, so you are keen to get organised and achieve something constructive. Don’t work too hard here, your energy levels are fairly high and you may be so enthusiastic that you ignore your body’s warning signs to take a break. Saturn joins Mars from the 4th to 18th to really bring some ambitious undertakings to your heart and mind. Aries is the sign of big ideas, but to honest, with these two batting for you, there really isn’t anything you can’t achieve during this time!
Elsewhere in July, having a bit of ‘me’ time is still tops as Venus and the Sun hit your house of pleasure and leisure from the 13th and 23rd respectively. Love is in the air here and romance high on the agenda, but the 23rd to 31st may see career distractions intervene, as an opportunity for higher learning or a trip to advance your career is thrown your way. With Jupiter in your career sector you will be experiencing a shift in your philosophies and motivations over the next year, and gaining new experiences, even a change of work altogether, are likely. The full Moon of the 18th shines in your career zone too, and helps illuminate the way forward here, by showing you your next move. Have a wonderful July!
The weekly horoscopes reveals regarding of relationship, families, love, career, financial investment, career, business and lots other things that interested amid the people of all age group from teenagers.capricorn 2012 horoscope
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