Capricorn July 2008 : Capricorn July Horoscope : Capricorn July Astrology

CAPRICORN- July 2008

Hey there Capricorn! The full Moon of the 18th is happening in your sign this month, so prepare to open a few closets and clear out those old skeletons! The period around this time could be a little uncomfortable, as the full Moon has a way of illuminating all those little nooks and crannies of life where we have shoved things we didn’t want to have to deal with. One of these things could rear its head here, and you will have to tackle it, but you will feel better and less weighed down as a result, so take heart!

One-to-one relationships are receiving some heavenly attention in July, as three planets make a beeline for this part of your solar chart. Anyone you have a close relationship with will be in focus here, not just your life partner, it could be a business partner or close friend who you find you are dealing with more than usual. This house also rules enemies so anyone who you have a running battle with could come back on the scene at this time. Venus lingers here till the 12th, so things shouldn’t be too unpleasant, in fact with loved ones you will be keen to establish a little harmony. The Sun is also here till the 22nd so you will be assessing your needs in close relationships, and Mercury’s brief stop between the 11th and 26th favours communication with partners. Watch out also for the new Moon of the 3rd, a good time to start a new project with your close one, or make a more permanent commitment to someone you have been seeing casually.

There are some issues to watch out for regarding relationships too. The 1st to 9th sees conflict between a partner’s desire to have some fun, and your need for some private time. You are also strongly desiring your emotional freedom at this time, and may feel stifled by too much of the same thing in your romantic life. Between the 10th and 18th an issue involving a mortgage or loan will crop up, and a clash of wills with your loved one will ensue. If you have a business partner you could lock horns at this time. You are absolutely certain that you are right, but if you listen to what your other half has to say, you may shift your view. The 19th to 25th are days for communicating your needs with partners about a travel plan, again opposing viewpoints are likely but you can reach an understanding if you try hard enough. It’s all about listening at this time.

Mars joins Saturn in your area of broadening horizons in July, so you will feel more dynamic about quenching some of your thirst for new experiences. The 4th to 18th may be rather frustrating however, as the energies of these two planets merge together, and cautious Saturn saps all Mars’s energy by making him march to a much slower beat. The 23rd to 31st will be better days, when you will be keen to get your family up and out and learning something of the world, and you may book an impulsive trip or excursion. Look out also in July for increased focus around your mortgages, loans and investments, as from the 13th Venus, the Sun and Mercury all begin to descend on this part of your chart. Mercury also remains in your house of everyday work and health till the 10th, so you still need to take extra care not to work too hard during these days, as your nerves could feel a little strained. Have a wonderful month!


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